Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 34
Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 34 – Iggy Oink is asking you to think about the life of a pig or piglet in a factory farm. It is dull – noisy – smelly – dense and frightening. There is never any fresh air or sunlight. When we get to the age of slaughter – they drive us out of the barns and onto big, rumbling trucks.
Iggy knows that the trucks are filthy – crowded – strange – really hot or frigid cold depending on the season and terrifying. The time spent on the trucks is the only air or sunshine we will ever know. When you eat our bodies – conveniently called “pork products” – do you ever think of us?
It’s The Same In Every Country
The Only Warmth & Light We Will Ever Know!
The Outcome Is Always The Same …