ABH – Inspirational Sayings – 2016
ABH – Inspirational Sayings
ABH – Inspirational Sayings – 2016 – If there is one thing that I know – it’s that all people who love animals have their hearts nicked or broken every day. But then we focus on the task at hand – which is creating awareness to help them – and get back to doing the job that stirs our passions and helps to correct human wrongs!
A Beating Heart – Inspiration Sayings – is for those days when we need a reminder of all that is wise, profound and still beautiful in the world. I have always loved “profundities” and I hope these give you a lift on a day when you need a touch of magic or need to be inspired to get involved with an issue near and dear to your heart.
Take a moment to think about what 2016 means to you and how you can make a difference in your own life and the lives of others.
We can all make a contribution to a kinder, more peaceful world.
“If you scratch a cynic – you find a disappointed idealist” – Unknown …
www.facebook.com/ABHInspirationalSayings“On those days when it seems that cruelty is around every corner – remember all the wonderful things that caring people do that make a difference. Kindness saved this dog’s life in China” – Rosemary Wright
“It May be Too Late This Year – But in 2017 – Why Not Consider A Peaceful, Non-Violent Easter”
Rosemary Wright …