Rhino Poaching Crisis
In an article on February 13, 2013 the Canadian Press by The Associated Press released the following figures. These numbers are alarming and this represents a tragedy in the making. There are 5 species of Rhinoceros, and of these, only the White Rhinoceros is not critically endangered. Still world leaders and CITES stands by and twiddle their collective thumbs. Poachers are decimating these animals.
Most of these killings seem to take place in Kruger National Park in South Aftrica. To quote from the article – “from the 1990’s to 2007 – rhino killings in South Africa by poachers averaged 15 a year. However, this number has soared as buyers in Asia now pay the U.S. street value of cocaine for rhino horn.”
In the 6 weeks since the start of 2013 – 96 rhinos have been killed. Please take a moment to sign a petition when you see one in your e-mail inbox or on social media sites. Or Google rhinos and poaching and find out how to help or e-mail CITES (they are meeting in March 2013) – you can find them on Facebook and express your concerns!