Auckland – New Zealand Is Marching In The International Lion March
Ban Canned Lion Hunting
Auckland – New Zealand Is Marching In The International Lion March – On March 15, 2014 – Organizer Shona Lyon who learned about Canned Lion Hunting – realized that she could make a difference. She knew that – “It’s so easy to get overwhelmed with all the terrible injustices throughout our world”.
“I know I can be and I have been. This realization has really left me paralysed and in a shocked state. But the antidote to inaction is action and so we are marching for the lions in Auckland – New Zealand an we are so proud to join all the other cities worldwide who are taking up this incredibly important cause”.
“I wanted to believe that good always wins over bad. That everyone has a good heart – that you just need to dig a little deeper with some . That if only I tried harder that things would work out. But what that meant was that I didn’t or rather couldn’t accept the world for how it is. I truly believe that we are all capable of anything given the right environment and triggers! We all have a shadow as well as light.
It’s a matter of choice and knowing and understanding that these daily choices matter. Seeing a shadow, then shining a light on it so people can see. We are human beings and so have free will, no one can make someone choose to do things differently but they can lead the way by making their own “right” decisions. Really we can only act as mirrors to each other and reflect back the wrongs we see! I saw a “wrong” in Canned Lion Hunting”.
As Chris Mercer says: