Once – Words are the greatest gift that we humans have at our disposal when it comes to creating awareness about what is right and wrong in our world. Photos add visual impact to the written verse – but the words linger in our minds long after the image has faded. Think of the powerful impact of phrases like – I’m Sorry – You Matter To Me – I Love You – Please Forgive Me and I Was Wrong. Read Mark’s beautiful poem Once and think about how our world used to be. Then ask yourself “how can I help to make things better” …
Mark Stewart
The field of wild flowers in which the fox pauses – nose twitching on the scented air
The warm nest in which the blue jay sleeps
The ceaseless river in which the salmon swims
The quiet pond where frogs and newts float and dive
The ocean whose currents carry the echo of whale song
The tree-bound country lane in which the dog strolls
The water meadow upon which the heron perches
The forest through which the bear softly treads
The sun-dappled glen in which the deer stands
The woodland burrow into which the rabbit runs
The reed to which the dragonfly clings
The petal on which the butterfly alights
The stamen over which the bee hovers
The moors across which ponies chase
The sky down which the eagle flies
Once but no more
Now gone forever
Mark Stewart – May 2013