Rebecca Penrod Of Denver – Colorado USA – Talks About Canned Lion Hunting
Rebecca Penrod Of Denver – Colorado USA – Talks About Canned Lion Hunting. We come to a sense of global responsibility if we’re lucky – but it happens in many different ways. Rebecca Penrod of Denver, Colorado (a big hunting state) is speaking out against canned lion hunting – by supporting the work of Chris Mercer of CACH. Let’s help her by sharing her story and Denver’s Facebook Page for the upcoming global march for lions. Thank you Rebecca for all that you are doing!
Rebecca Penrod
Guest Writer
Rebecca can tell her story best – I wanted to let all of you know that Denver CO USA has a Community Facebook page for CACH.
I’m having a bit of a struggle getting the page out there as most people here haven’t heard of canned hunting. I would love it if you could like our page and please share it with those that you know to help us get the exposure here that we so desperately need in America.
I’ll start with a tiny bit of back history. Animals have been my #1 passion since before I can remember and lions have always been at the top of the list as I was born in August and am a Leo myself. My dream has always been to go to Africa to work with lions in some capacity.
Prior to February I’d never even heard of canned hunting. As I was going through FB I saw a beautiful picture of a lion by a photographer I follow and when reading the caption, I saw the words “canned lion hunting”. The post talked about a Global March for Lions that would take place in March and I believe had a link to the Global March for Lions website. Upon further research I saw that there wasn’t a march in Colorado and the closest one to me was in Arizona.
I knew there wasn’t any time for me to plan a march for Denver so I flew out to Arizona and took part in their march. Once I got back to Denver I told everyone I knew about my trip and what I’d learned about canned lion hunting. I also told them that if I ever had the chance to do a march here in Denver, that I’d do it in a second. Within a week or so of the first GM4L, I found out that another one would be planned and was originally slated to take place on August 10th which is my birthday. That was the biggest sign in the world to me that my opportunity had come up to plan an event for here in Denver.
I have a couple of people helping me with getting leaflets out for the event and that will also be speaking at the event. Other than that, I’m the main one that’s getting everything together in the way of making leaflets – posters – banners, creating the speeches, getting the permit for the location, and contacting the media to hopefully do a piece on canned lion hunting and our event.
I’ll also be having Pat Craig, who is the founder of The Wild Animal Sanctuary speak at the event in regards to the social bonds between lions and the stress they go through when cubs are taken away and/or the pride male killed. TWAS was recently selected as one of the top 5 non-profits for animal and wildlife welfare in the world.
Yes, Colorado is a very big hunting state especially for elk, deer, and pronghorn. I’m not quite sure on the exact numbers though. I’ve also been trying to find out if we have any canned hunting ranches as I know they do down in Texas. I haven’t had much luck with finding any here.
It’s hard to explain the reason why this means so much to me. I go out to The Wild Animal Sanctuary quite often and will sit there for hours just watching the lions, even if they’re just sleeping. There’s something about watching them that calms my soul like nothing else can and their roar makes my heart smile bigger than a rainbow.
I just can’t imagine them not being on this earth anymore. That, on top of how they’re treated from the time they’re born into these breeding farms, to the time they’re brutally and slowly killed by a “hunter”, well, it breaks my heart over and over. NO animal deserves to be treated with so much disregard and coldness, especially the majestic kings and queens of the jungle.
I suppose that about wraps it all up. Please let me know if you have any other questions that you’d like me to answer.
Lion Hugs & Love,