The Experiment That Is “Mankind”
The Experiment That Is “Mankind” – The arrogance of humanity is surpassed only by the ignorance and greed in which we languish. I acknowledge that millions of good, hard working people and organizations work tirelessly every day to attempt to make the world a better place. Without them we would already have tipped over the abyss. However – the experiment that is “mankind” – is failing fast. Oh – we’ve had opportunities to be glorious – to prove that we are smart enough to learn from our mistakes!
Instead we have chosen greed as our mantra and power and war as the accepted “methodology” to achieve our ends. Putin talks of who and what are integral parts of (“his vision”) of Russia. Obama champions American “interests” on a global scale – where is the oil? China consumes – Africa concedes – The Middle East Exists in limbo – The E.U. dithers – the UN passes endless resolutions over which Russia – China – Britain – France and the USA exercise veto power. Canadian politicians gut our environmental protection laws. And it goes on and on and on …
A group of 20,000 hate-filled and masked (the sign of a coward) rag tag ISIS bandits are on the brink of holding Iraq hostage while Iraqi “leaders” squabble over power and twiddle their thumbs. If you are not concerned about Islamic militants who have bastardized a thoughtful religion for personal gain – you should be! And the world yawns and watches reality TV and sports as genocide again and again raises its ugly head. You can get millions of rabid fans to cheer over nitwits at FIFA while they overlook and dismiss the people who were displaced to build the sporting venues.
Can we still be glorious? Yes I believe that we can – but we need to shift our collective focus away from our beliefs in towns – cities – nations – race and creed and realize that we truly are a global collective. We all look up and see the same glorious sun – the same blue sky – the same magical twinkling stars at night. We all experience happiness and laughter – tears and sadness. Most of us want the same things – family and love – kindness, compassion, safe homes and purpose.
But we need to ask ourselves the hard question – “is this the best that we can be? Fighting the same tired battles for supremacy – religion and land that our ancestors have fought for thousands of years – with the loss of millions of military and of civilian lives. WW2 – approximately 52 million people died – for what? So Hitler could commit suicide like the ignorant thug and coward that he was – leaving a shamed and broken nation and the loss of an entire generation of young men and women.
And now – 69 years later – with previously unheard of advances in medicine – travel – technology – business – invention – communication and social responsibility – we are dealing with the same mindless violence, racial tension, hatred, corruption, power mongering, ignorance and questionable leaders that we had in 1945. We are like moths to the flame – never learning or evolving as humans.
We have allowed and continue to permit governments, corporations, religion, wealth and corrupted power to do our thinking for us. We follow leaders – not because we believe they are doing the right thing – but because we have forgotten how to think for ourselves – how to question – how to say “no – this is wrong”.
When I was a teen-ager – full of angst, bored yawns, rebellion and the self-righteous knowledge that my parents knew nothing – my Mother once said to me “to have a happy life you must be true to who you are and when you find that truth – you must discover something outside of yourself – something good and just – something worth fighting for and then give your energy, heart and soul to that cause”. How smart she was – how I wish I had really recognized her wisdom while she was still alive.
Think about the brilliance of which we are capable and the gifts that humans have given the world. People like – Amadeus Mozart – Winston Churchill – Rosa Parks – The Beatles – Jane Goodall – Nelson Mandela – Leonard Cohen – Laurence Olivier – David Suzuki – JFK – Sam Simon – DaVinci – Chris Mercer – Philip Wollen – the DSWT – Shakespeare – Tolstoy and the countless, lesser known people who do amazing things (sometimes against incredible odds) every day to help the world. We can be glorious – we have greatness within us. Let it out and let it shine in your life.
Rudozem Street Dog Rescue
So when I look around at our turbulent and unsettled world – at the sadness and the injustice – I must remember that the majority of people are basically good. We allow a minority of people to dictate how the world will be and we need to stop capitulating to their lack of moral fibre, greed and ignorance.
When I chose animal activism as my cause to celebrate – I had no idea that it would connect me to so many amazing people – and show me things of which I had no knowledge. That it would lead me to question everything about my life and how I was living. I sometimes wonder how and why I never thought about where my food came from? Why factory farming has not been exposed as the abhorrent travesty that it is?
Why we would allow a small, global hunting lobby to have so much power?
Killing The Coveted “Big 5”
Why is a circus allowed to exist in 2014? He is just a baby …
Why Are Lions Farmed – Petted And Then Slaughtered For The Pleasure Of Wealthy Kill Addicts?
Why are so many animals killed in the very shelters that are supposed to protect them?
Why Do “We” Allow This To Happen? Why Does This Oxymoron Exist In New York City Or Anywhere?
“Kill Shelter”
Why do we allow politicians to ignore us when we ask questions and expect answers?
Why do we allow antiquated laws to remain on the books? Laws that should be updated to match the world that we live in today?Why is our environment – our planet and home – not a #1 priority? Why are the weakest amongst us – children – the elderly and animals not protected?
Why a “fine” – but no jail time for starving this dog to death?
We NEED A Global Animal Abuser Registry!
How have we arrived at a place where our oceans are dying and the polar ice caps are melting? Where iconic creatures like sharks and elephants and rhinos – who have existed in basically unchanged and perfect form for millions of years – now endangered, poached and on the brink of becoming extinct?
Copyright Elephant Photo – Courtesy Of DSWT
So take some time to think about where you fit in the world. What do you stand for? What would you fight for? What would you give up for a greater good? What would make you question the status quo? When would you say “stop – that is NOT right?
Rhinos Poached For Their Horn In Staggering Numbers!
When would you demand change? Write a letter – make a phone call?
When would you march in the streets?
Clever corporate marketing and mind-numbing technology have turned us into self-absorbed automatons. WIIFM – what’s in it for me? The question we should all be asking right now is “how can I help to right what is wrong in the world”. Not everyone plays a “big” role in life – makes a fortune – becomes famous or wins an award. But we are all part of this amazing human experiment and we can all do something.
Do you think that the super bugs and a virus like Ebola are just an anomaly? We humans – 7 billion of us are plundering every corner of the world without mercy. Intruding upon every species and every bit of flora and fauna that exists. Are our brains hard wired for negativity and destruction? There are 31,536,000 seconds in a year and in every one of those seconds – we are “killing or abusing someone or something – somewhere”.
Do we really think that Mother Nature will not fight back? Do we believe there are no consequences?
If there is an after death “accounting” of your life – what did you do to make the world a better place for those less fortunate? Those not able to protect themselves? Those who needed a helping hand and a gesture of human kindness?
Misguided, arrogant global leaders have brought us to this place in history and by our inaction we have been complicit in their schemes. What will you do to help correct their egregious mistakes and when will you find your God-give voice? What will it take to make you think and take action?
In My Place In The World These Are The Things That I Will Write About To Raise Awareness:
Puppy Mills – Trophy Hunting – Factory Farming – Outdated Animal Cruelty Laws – Animal Poaching – Long Distance Live Animal Transport – Cruelty In Dog & Horse Racing – Any Kind Of Animal Fighting – The Need For A Global Animal Abuser Registry – The Down & Foie Gras Industries – The Appalling Fur Industry – Animal Sacrifice Festivals In The Name Of Religion – Beastiality – Tajii And The Faroe Islands “Grind” – Mankind’s (not my problem) Blindness To Cruelty and Astonishing Political Arrogance To Name A Few!
So – In The Experiment That Is “Mankind” …
What will it take to make you think and take action?