Elephant Family – Living With Elephants
Elephant Family – Living With Elephants – One of the most iconic creatures in the world – aptly described by John Donne as – “Nature’s great masterpiece – an elephant – the only harmless great thing.” There cannot be a better description of an elephant. Unfortunately the conflict between elephants and humans can be a very real problem in parts of the world.
This was the case in the tea plantations in Southern India until solutions were sought that would satisfy both sides of the conflict. Elephant Family does incredible work with Asian Elephants. Learn more about them at – www.elephantfamily.org
See How Elephant Family helped to facilitate a simple, peaceful resolution to the problem.
Text & Photos courtesy of Elephant Family – U.K.
“Mark was often heard bemoaning the fact that in India alone, an elephant kills a human and a human kills an elephant every day in a battle for the same space and resources. This newsletter is happily celebrating a whole year of zero mortalities on both sides in Southern India. And the project that achieved this impressive statistic is more than a finger in the dam in this one region – its impact is so impressive, tea and coffee estates across India are starting to replicate it.
The tea estates of the Valparai Plateau in Southern India are surrounded by forests. Elephants regularly pass through, and when they cross the path of people – especially after dark – the surprise encounter can be fatal”.
Until Elephant Family started working here many people had lost their lives. The project has set up an innovative communication system to warn locals on the whereabouts of elephants via text message, TV announcements and warning lights. And it’s not only working, we have recently heard the incredibly positive news that this approach has convinced the state government to close down 197 hectares of state-owned tea estates on the Valparai Plateau, in order to protect the last remaining elephants in the region.
This significant decision will prevent any further human fatalities, and enable elephants to move more freely across the plateau, thereby securing greater connections within the wider Anamalai elephant landscape.
Watch This Amazing Video – Living With Elephants