ABH Kids
Kids have strong opinions and I want to give them a voice in ABH Kids. As adults – we know that the future belongs to children. As parents – your most essential duty is to equip your children with decent values – and an abiding and profound respect for other people, animals and nature.
These important lessons need to be taught around the kitchen table and in the school system. Kids usually emulate the behaviour of their parents – siblings – teachers and peers – and if they see these important lessons in action – it provides them with a powerful lead to follow. Kindness and respect could stop bullying and cruel teasing (learned behaviours) – imagine if bullying was a thing of the past!
Kids do what gives them the results they want in any given moment. If being cruel works for them – they will repeat the behaviour because the outcome gives them the pleasure or power they are seeking. If children learn to value compassion and kindness while young – they become better adults.
Adults need to focus on creating an environment for children where they learn to value:
Honesty Kindness Consideration Compassion Generosity Friendship Respect Fairness Strength Patience Hard Work Gentleness Sharing
These are not the characteristics of a weak person but the hallmarks of a mature, well developed individual capable of understanding his or her place in the world. This type of person will not tolerate cruelty to any sentient being or abuse of the planet.
With these thoughts in mind – I decided to start ABH – Kids so children can speak up and talk about what is important to them and why they care about animals and the environment.
So I’m looking for kind, caring kids ages 6 – 14 who are doing wonderful things for each other – animals and the planet. If this sounds like someone that you know then please mention ABH – Kids to them. I woud be delighted to feature them in a blog post to help spread the word about their project.
I am sensitive to content – (some of my blog posts contain graphic/photos and writing). Parents must know that a child wants to contribute a 2 – 4 paragraph post (in their own words) and possibly a photo or two for my blog – about an animal topic or story that is important to them.
The “internet” can be a scary place – so only a first name and city or country would be mentioned – whatever parents deemed to be appropriate. Kids are saying and doing amazing things all over the world. With parental guidance – I’d like to give them a voice!
I will be posting ABH Kids – Alex soon!