Animal Activism
An Awakened Conscience
Animal Activism – If you make the decision to get seriously involved with animal issues – either locally or globally – it will change who you are forever. There is no going back for someone who has experienced an awakened conscience and faced the horrors that humans inflict upon animals in every country in the world. There are no exceptions. Why do humans have so little regard for animals? What is it in us that feeds our ignorance and arrogance?
Something has awakened in you. Perhaps it was a photograph – or a passage in a book or a clip from a video. You have acknowledged that you’ve been part of the cruelty and have made a decision to change – perhaps not all at once – but in increments as you are able to realign your new values with kinder alternatives. You realize that you’re making different consuming choices. You eat differently – shop differently – speak about issues that have not been part of your usual conversations. You start to wonder why your friends can’t share your awakened vision and you feel like a bit of an outsider – perhaps even with your family. You get used to the common rebuttal that you now hear so often – “Don’t show me – don’t tell me – I don’ want to know”. You remember that you used to be one of these people.
You watch videos and documentaries and the information you are absorbing makes so much sense and you wonder why you didn’t connect the dots before. What took so long? How could you have lived for 25 or 35 or 50 years without seeing. You feel remorse and guilt – shame at your unthinking participation. You see photographs that break your heart and feel a rage in your soul – the likes of which are foreign to your now gentler nature. You ask “why” a lot. You cry and feel more than a little depressed on occasion.
But you dust yourself off because you realize that while you’re an observer – the animals are living this horrific holocaust. Without you – the billions and billions of animals who are abused – tortured – experimented on – skinned alive and killed by humans every year have no voice – no guardian – no champion – and no hope. It is estimated that as many as 72 billion land animals are killed every year globally. This does not include the multi-millions of whales – dolphins – sharks – turtles – seals – otters – fish – reptiles and snakes who also perish.
I’ve discovered that to survive the daily, ugly assault on my mind that is inflicted by animal cruelty that it’s essential to adopt a belief system that supports a newly awakened consciousness. It has taken me awhile to understand that rage and tears will always be present in my life in equal measure.
These simple beliefs have helped and they enable me to know that I cannot save the animals that I see in the videos and photographs that appear on my computer every day. But I can keep on creating awareness – sharing information – educating others – caring and writing. Through awareness we create change.
A Saving Grace
Pick A Different One Every Day And Think About The Message
For every act of hatred – there is a counterpoint of profound love.
For every intolerance – there is an act of tolerance.
For every abuser of animals – there is an engaged and loving champion of our fellow beings.
For every corrupt politician lobbying for his corporate pals – there is one fighting for what is right.
For every suffering animal – there is one who is loved.
For every dark cloud – there is a ray of sunshine.
Foe every evil – there is an act of goodness.
For every sadness – there is an opposite happiness.
For every act of cruelty – there is a beautiful gesture of kindness.
For every darkness – there is a powerful point of light.
When I can’t sleep and I rail against the darkness in the world – I know that I will never give up trying to make a difference. Genuine caring for animals – when you can see the world through their eyes – imagine their fear – know how much they want to live – and acknowledge that they have just as much right to their lives as you do to yours – is a bell that can never be un-rung.
So if your intent is to play around with animal activism for awhile – see if you like the people – become a vegetarian or vegan for a month to lose weight – hand out a leaflet of two and attend a march because you might meet a celebrity – use your time to better advantage. Volunteer with any of the countless charities who need good people and give back in that way. The slippery slope of animal activism can never be taken lightly. The stakes are too high for the animals. You must recognize that “they” are “your” equal and that the commitment to their welfare means that you must change.
The movements for animals and the planet must also watch their own arrogance. There was a time when most activists were part of the great corporate marketing machine. Many of us undoubtedly ate and used animal products or wasted water and electricity without thinking. Something changed in us – we became more empathetic – less sympathetic. But we must remember that change happens with people one awakened heart at a time and to denigrate those whose minds are still not open is unfair. Just because “we” see doesn’t mean that all will see. Even though this fact is incredibly frustrating – it is reality. It doesn’t matter if your cause is dogs – farm animals – lions – elephants – animal experimentation or environmental reform. We need allies not enemies – so keep on doing what you do and one day someone will say “I changed because of you” – and that is its own incredible reward.
As the famous saying goes – “In animal activism – I lost my mind but found my soul”.
I plan to use my life to create animal awareness through my blog –
“Animals Belong To The Wind – The Rain – The Sunshine – The Stars At Night And The Dew In The Soft Morning Light – They Are Not Ours To Kill”
Rosemary Wright …