Ban The Australian Trade In Elephant Ivory And Rhino Horn
People Make All The Difference And You Can Help
Ban The Australian Trade In Elephant Ivory And Rhino Horn – Please join Donalea Patman, Breaking The Brand and Fiona Gordon and support their campaign to end the domestic trade of elephant ivory and rhino horn in Australia. Some people are talkers and others are doers – some are both, but they still need your help. Please go to their facebook page below and do your part.
Donalea Patman
Calling On All Our Animal Loving Friends
I’m asking YOU to assist our current campaign as we need enormous public support.
Please print out the attached, take a pic of yourself, your friends, family, kids, everyone – even take a short video of why it matters to you that we close the Australian market of ivory and rhino horn, knowing that these beautiful animals are being brutally slaughtered daily for their horn or tusks.
Print out the attached and upload your pics and videos to our campaign page No Domestic Trade.
I was told I’d never get a ban on the importation of lion trophies and body parts – that was one woman with your help. This campaign is four women and a man and YOUR help!
Follow the campaign here:
Use all forms of social media using the following hashtags:
#NoDomesticTrade #EyesOnIvory #NotOnMyWatch #JoinTheHerd#RhinosMatter
Breaking The Brand Fiona Gordon