Earle Bingley – Canadian Animal Advocate
A Life Long Passion
Earle Bingley – Canadian Animal Advocate – Some people find their calling in life at a young age. Earle Bingley was one of those people. His grandmother taught him that “all” life mattered and he took that message to heart. He has spent his life advocating for animals.
He started The Canadian Voice For Animals Foundation CVFFA in 1993 to champion his beliefs that the welfare of every creature was important. He has been a long time supporter of Chris Mercer and CACH in the fight to end the atrocious canned lion hunting industry.
As with all foundations working for abused animals – if you can help Earle in any way please contact him at eheb@telus.net
At 81 – Earle lives in Vancouver, British Columbia. He has worked tirelessly his entire life on campaigns to help end:
The Asian Dog Meat Trade
Whale Slaughter
The Canadian Seal Hunt
The Live Export Of Animals
Remembering The Service Of War Animals
Cosmetic Testing On Animals
Dog Issues