In Memory Of Lost Lives
I Will Never Be Silent
In Memory Of Lost Lives – There are days when I wish I had never listened to the silent, voiceless screams for help from animals around the world. Before I learned the ugly truth – both obvious and hidden – before I read about elephant poaching and dog fighting and factory farming. Before Tajii and bear baiting and trophy hunting and canned lions – before A Beating Heart was called into existence through their soft, quiet whispers to my soul.
I yearn for my “bubble” world of warm comforts and not seeing – not hearing – not knowing. On those days when I have seen one more picture of human depravity and animal suffering – than I think I can bear – I sit and reflect on why I am an animal activist. I have been mocked and dis-missed by some people – called a “bit radical” by others and un-friended on Facebook. I now make some people uncomfortable. I used to care.
Now I do not – I have a harder heart now but a softer soul. I am wiser – more connected than ever to the spirit and the energy of all sentient beings and to the earth. I have made friends with people near and far. They understand and respect my passion – and pick me up when I am down with a kind word and a positive message of appreciation and support.
I am in awe of the power of animals – the strength in their bodies – their ability to mother with a love that humans no nothing about. Their fairness and their willingness to forgive. Their power to survive suffering on a scale that is mind-numbing. Their “wanting” to live – to play – to snuggle – to parent – to connect and to love.
If humans were not so self-absorbed, conceited – cruel and entitled – we would see the life lessons that they are born with. We would see their wisdom and justice and kindness. We are the lesser for our appalling human weaknesses and our falsely assumed superiority. We slaughter animals by the billions – we wear their fur and force them to entertain us and to fight each other because “we” are cowards. We starve them and beat them and rape them and skin and cook them alive – we kill them gleefully and with impunity.
So on those days when I wonder why I am a changed person and I long for my former innocence – I look at these pictures – at the handiwork of my fellow human beings and I know the answer. They are worth fighting for – they are better at birth than Iwill be on the last day of my life.
In Memory Of Lives Lost – But Never Forgotten
The Unknown Cow
I Died Today Because No One Wanted Me – I Was Just A Puppy. We Kill Millions Of Shelter Animals Around The World Every Year!
Tembe – Murdered This Week And Beheaded For “Traditional” Medicine
The Unknown Pig
Marius – Murdered At The Copenhagen Zoo
I Was Killed For My Fur
Murdered On March 24, 2014
Unwanted Male Chicks – Ground Up Alive
Unwanted Horses Slaughtered
Whales Slaughtered In The Faroe Islands
Wolves – Hated And Killed For No Intelligent Reason
Killed By A Prancing Little Idiot In Pink Tights – This Is “Sport” In Culturally & Morally Depraved Societies
A Broken And Discarded Brick Kiln Donkey In Nepal – One Of The Most Abused Animals On Earth
Limba – Denied A Life At A Sanctuary In Tennessee – Worked Like A Clown Until Shortly Before They Killed Her On December 3, 2013
Nick Brandt’s Haunting Picture of Qumquat – Taken The Day Before She Was Murdered – October 28, 2012
Starved And Abused – He Did Not Survive
The Unknown Chickens – Just A Commodity
There are no animal problems – there are only human problems involving animals. At a time when people are running around with their “electronic devices” – more socially connected then ever before – humanity has never been more socially cruel or socially unjust. We act as if there are no consequences to our behaviour – as if morality – kindness -generosity – integrity and truth do not matter. They do!
Surprisingly – I remain hopeful in spite of the calamity and the cruelty that I see all around me. I remember the lost animal lives because they are important and because humans will never know harmony until we respect life. Animal activism is the last clarion call to humanity – learning to love and respect animals is our final chance to know lasting peace!
When Every Cage Door Is Open – When Every Confined Animal Is Free – When Every Chain Has Been Removed – Then I Will Be Silent …