A Message To China
A Message To China – I am asking that China crush your massive stock piles of ivory and close down your ivory carving factories. Your claims of cultural heritage – traditional medicine – religious statuary and trinkets are long past their – “best before” date.
NOTE: Some Images May Be Disturbing To Young Or Sensitive People
To keep slaughtering elephants for their ivory tusks is an amoral choice and it speaks to your sense of entitlement – your greed – your ignorance and your lack of character as a global citizen. It is the act of a school yard bully who has forgotten what “honour” means. As a nation of immense wealth and booming markets – you may be able to influence world leaders with your promises of trade and business deals BUT you are failing miserably in the court of public opinion. Once the behemoth of slumbering citizens around the world had been awakened – it cannot and will not be silenced. Elephants matter to people and we stand together in saying – STOP KILLING ELEPHANTS!
Your claim to be using confiscated ivory for “education” purposes does NOT ring true and your defensive rhetoric is easily seen through – we are NOT idiots.
This Picture Represents Pain and Suffering and the Appalling Deaths Of Gentle, Intelligent Elephants
CHINA – Crush your stock piles of ivory and close down your ivory carving factories
Elephants are NOT yours for the taking!
A Message To China – We are not going away – not this time – we will be heard – stop killing elephants!