Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 70
Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 70 – Iggy Oink would like you to know that pigs are sweet little beings. Their natural inclination is to be curious – to play – to snuggle – to run and jump. Pigs like to have fun. They can be taught games and they can put puzzle pieces on a board to get treats as a reward.
When an animal is this clever – can you imagine how much they suffer when they are denied every natural expression of their species. Every instinct is dulled and compromised. Their families are torn apart and they live out their short lives in barren, concrete factory farms devoid of stimulation, sunshine, wind, earth and water. This is done to them so “you” can consume their lives. Does this seem right to you? When you participate in the meat industry you agree to this cruelty!
Why you are eating us in the first place when we are such wonderful beings!
How Can You Hurt Us?