The Players – The Confrontation – The Outcome – The Lesson!
Women Solving Problems
The Players – The Confrontation – The Outcome – The Lesson! What happens when a Dane – An American and A Canadian – all devoted women animal advocates – lock horns over an issue?
Mea Culpa – I am the instigator – guilty. I am an equal opportunity shamer and I do not hold back from posting controversial issues. I blanket entire countries because I know that at heart we understand that NOT all people in any nation are bad, callous,, cruel and uncaring clods.
On this post I touched a nerve and two of my friends Natanya (the Dane) and Bonnie (the American) squared off with each other. Tempers flared – insults flew – the language became F-bomb colourful and enemies were born! Then Rebecca stepped in with some solid advice.
I thought about how much animal abusers like to see division within the ranks of animal activists and I wondered if it was possible for this little Saturday snapshot in time to have a positive outcome. This is the back story – below is the actual thread from Facebook:
The Issue – Animal Brothels In Denmark
My Comment below – was intended to provoke thought!
The Response:
Natanya Sukkot Unfortunately it’s legal here which is both absurd and disgusting. But the majority of people going to these places, are foreigners, who are not allowed to do it in their own countries. 99% of Denmarks population finds this repulsive and horrific, and we are fighting to have it changed. Our new minister is making a lot of changes and we are pleading with him, to make this illegal as well.
Sarah La Rocca This is rape and needs to be outlawed.
Natanya Sukkot Agreed!
Rebecca Davies My god the world has gone bonking mad !!!!!!
Natanya Sukkot It’s not only Denmark! It’s legal in 16 other countries and in 17 different states in the US! So it’s not “what’s up with you Danes”, it’s what’s up with people generally. And for the record, ALL zoos kills healthy animals! Also the ones in the States. Not making the killing of Marius right at all, just saying that it’s not only happening in Denmark! And yes Rebecca, I’m afraid so.
Rebecca Davies Agree global issue !!!!!
Rebecca Davies And Scotland only this year has introduced an anti beasteality law!!!!
Linda Carroll It is a dreadful world for animals. A disgraceful indictment of ‘humanity.’ Definitely a Global issue. International law should step-up and draft legislation to protect these silent creatures from massive suffering and molestation!!!! We are degenerate beings. Sickened by all these appalling conditions. What a world!!!
Linda Carroll Denmark has received very bad press recently. Making the ritual slaughter of animals illegal is a major contribution to animal rights. People, who care about such issues, ought to praise Denmark for this stance. What a shame that religions don’t lead the way in compassion. Religions that inflict this method of sacrificial killing give RELIGION a bad reputation. Does a ‘GOD’ really demand such a torture?
Bonnie Daut Denmark this is sick, who would want anything to do with you – know what a lot of you have probably done to animals DISGUSTING PEOPLE.
Natanya Sukkot Bonnie … you would probably like to read the above comments, and then get off your high horse!
Bonnie Daut Natanya I don’t have a high horse but anyone fucking animals IS flat out SICK IN THE HEAD BITCH.
Natanya Sukkot And it is truly sick to accuse an entire country because some sick assholes find this in order. I wish more people would do proper research before they start throwing stones! I don’t think even 1% of Danes are okay with this. You are extremely unpleasant. And you obviously feel the need to stoop to a very low level since you cannot argue in an adult manner. I feel bad for you.
Natanya Sukkot LOL – I am sorry! I don’t argue with ignorants. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
You are a sad sad person. I truly feel sorry for you.
Natanya Sukkot Oh and they use capital letters as well haha. So sad. Rosemary I have to say that I am a little surprised that have friends like this. Anyway, I don’t mind. If she needs to get rid of some aggressions that’s fine! I know who I am and what I do for animals all over the world.
Goodbye troll! Have a nice day.
Rosemary Wright Natanya and Bonnie – let me weigh in here. You both know that I am an equal opportunity shamer. I just BLASTED bloody Canada on the seal hunt. I know that if the 3 of us sat down together to have a coffee we would have so much in common. Now you two dislike each other even though you are both wonderful animal advocates who do good things every day. So this is what I suggest – why don’t I write a blog post about this very issue. Animal abusers like it when they see animal activists going at each other even though they are both on the same side. Natanya – can you contribute information about so many of these rapists being from foreign countries and what people in Denmark are trying to do about it and how they feel. Bonnie can you tell me at a gut level why this inflamed you so much – I know you don’t dislike Natanya – you dislike the issue. What do you say women warriors – are you in?
Rosemary Wright So Bonnie – are you in?
Bonnie Daut Sure I just really don’t like people making excuses for any country including my own you know that. What can I say; to abuse animals in any way is repulsive to me. But to make excuses by saying its done in 16 other countries and 17 states in the US does not make it right ANYWHERE. And that is all I was hearing from her. Sorry Rosemary did not need to hear justifications on a Saturday morning by anyone and then try to call me ignorant…not happening. If you say she is a good advocate for animals great I appreciate that but I will not be insulted by her need to justify Denmark’s actions. Thanks.
Rebecca Davies Okay let’s take a break – regroup later when emotions less intense. We all want the same thing. Rosemary right behind you on this. Animal activism evokes deep dark emotional responses. We all struggle with this on a daily basis. Lets just agree animal suffering is on a massive global level.
Rebecca Davies And made more intense as we are mire aware of what is going on courtesy of the Internet. Please we must learn how to listen and be kind to each other.
Natanya Sukkot Bonnie … like I said – you should have read my previous post before you started calling me a bitch!
Rosemary Wright Rebecca – yes it is – and emotions rise so quickly – I know that – but out of it all – when tempers have flared – if people can sit back – reflect and then find common ground – we animal advocates are so much stronger. I am offering a platform to do that. It can be accepted or rejected. Either way – Natanya and Bonnie are both wonderful women!
Natanya Sukkot I will gladly repost!
Natanya Sukkot Here it is … please – Unfortunately it’s legal here which is both absurd and disgusting. But the majority of people going to these places, are foreigners, who are not allowed to do it in their own countries. 99% of Denmarks population finds this repulsive and horrific, and we are fighting to have it changed. Our new minister is making a lot of changes and we are pleading with him, to make this illegal as well.
Bonnie Daut Natanya – apologies for calling you a bitch. Send us a petition to sign to help your cause to change this law and I will gladly sign it … thanks.
Rosemary Wright Natanya – do you have a source for that – so I could reference it and can you tell me how Denmark is trying to fight this?
Rosemary Wright Thanks Bonnie – that’s the animal advocate that I know and love!
Natanya Sukkot I am at work now, but I will posts everything I have when I get home! All is forgiven Bonnie – and sorry for calling you an ignorant.
Rosemary Wright And this is how we women do it – no punches – no guns – watch for my blog post on this – because it is an IMPORTANT lesson.
Rebecca Davies Pax wonderful outcome!
Bonnie Daut thanks Natanya – All is also forgiven on my end.
Rebecca Davies Lois Olmstead and Neytiri Tskaha see above ! Our woman power works !!! We are all learning how to do this at the same time and the learning curve is sometimes rough and jagged. But yes we must stand together or the cynics and torturers will win this fight. United we stand divided we fall.
The Bottom Line
Animal brothels are wrong. Women care about this issue. Women can disagree – and get pissy with each other and then set that aside and remember what the real problem is – humans hurting animals. Women are effective – compassionate – committed – fiery – outspoken and we want change. I live in Canada – a country with animal protection laws written in 1892 – what a bunch of twits we are!
We are stronger united and we all care about the same things. So keep on speaking out and making waves – Natanya – Bonnie – Rebecca – Linda – Sarah.
Happy to know all of you!