Right From The Heart
Right From The Heart – I have been posting Heart Beats For Change on my animal awareness blog for almost a year now. November 14th will mark the one year anniversary. My hope was that people would comment – share or be inspired to get involved with animal issues. There are 27 Heart Beats For Change. The photos change daily but the messages remain the same.
HEART BEATS FOR CHANGE – Light A Candle For Every Suffering – Abused – Frightened – Lonely – Confined – Hunted Animal – Anywhere In The World. We Will Never Give Up Trying To Help You!
Today – a friend from the USA William Patterson – replied with a lengthy, thoughtful, comment. His words are right from the heart and should be read and shared. It’s a very personal, powerful message. These are the photos that prompted William’s reply.
We Slaughter Billions Of Gentle Animals Ever Year In A Cruel – Profit Driven Killing Complex – Devoid Of Any Compassion!
Guest Writer
William Patterson
William Mahan Patterson – I was a meat eater for a large portion of my life. The older I get and the more awareness I have of my spiritual existence the more abhorrent I find this whole practice of raising animals for slaughter. I believe we must address this collectively as a species and rise above it if we are to truly inherit our birth right.
As long as someone embraces and eats the fruit of a base philosophy then that is where they will remain. It is those who are willing to forgo gratifying themselves at the expense of others who will truly evolve and return to a world that reflects the true nature of love.
There are reminders all about us – flowers and trees, birds and animals – even a dog’s heart has retained many of the virtues of the unconditional love which is the body of God. Think of meat as the wall between you and that unconditional love. When you have evolved to the point where you have gotten past the meat – you will find that you have returned to the garden. If we did it collectively it would be incredible.
It’s all about the true nature and power of love. It is either felt for all life “unconditionally” or on the conditions that your “self ” or ego have put on it. Eventually one realizes that he can’t really serve two masters and finds that he can now instantly recognize how others have “autographed” the energy we omit – with either a truth ring to it or a convoluted jumble of lies.
People have been conditioned to believe these lies by entities (my italics – governments – marketing professionals – lobbyists – big corporations) who desire to use our creative force to help weave the big lie we have found ourselves living in.
We must now find a way to get ourselves out of this. Let it start with “thou shalt not kill” – PERIOD – compassion can spread like wildfire. Let your life inspire and enable others to find a better way. Long live the pioneer!