Who Is Having Sex With Animals
Who Is Having Sex With Animals – in an age where “everything” is public – cameras are everywhere and there are not more secrets – it’s hard to believe that there might still be a “taboo” topic of conversation. There aren’t many – but sex with animals – is one of them. If I asked you the loaded question “are you still having sex with your dog” – you might find it a bit difficult to answer.
As much as most people DO NOT want to know about this – sex with animals is legal in many countries and animal brothels can be found in Denmark – Thailand and Japan to name a few of the participating countries.
I asked my friend and fellow animal advocate – Natayna Sukkot – who lives in Denmark to contribute an article to A Beating Heart about this and she readily agreed. Out of sight and out of mind – animals suffer in enforced silence – with no legal rights – while they are brutally and repeatedly raped by both men and women. This article does NOT cover the sexual abuse of animals in factory farming.
Pony Was Kept For Years As A (Lucrative) Sex Slave In Indonesia – She Was Finally Rescued In 2003. During Her Days In A Brothel She Was Chained And Her Body Was Shaved To Make Her Easily Accessible!
Read This Enlightening Article
By Natanya Sukkot
Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Natanya Sukkot, and I am heavily involved in animal rights, both here in Denmark, and all over the world. I have always been a huge animal lover, and have had animals as a part of my life ever since I can remember and many summer vacations were spent with my uncle who is a veterinarian.
I am part of an organisation who is fighting to make the government create an animal police force, who will fight to keep our non-human friends safe from harm, neglect and abuse. According to the current law here in Denmark, animal cruelty barely gives you a slap on the wrist and if you have been “really bad” you might get a fine.
We are many Danes who are saddened and desperate because the government seems to refuse to give higher punishment for abusing animals.
I donate to organisations all over the world, and do all I can to support people who are trying to help animals. I am currently studying law, in order to have a better understanding of how the law is working so I literally can become an animal advocate.
I have been asked to write an article about the wrongs that are happening to animals in Denmark right now. The horror doesn’t stop here though, and I have decided to make a list of all the countries that allow this in case you are from that country and decide that you want to try to change it.
And bear in mind, that countries like Sweden, Norway, Germany, Holland and France, only recently outlawed it.
Countries that still allow sex with animals:
United States – (14 different states)
People all over the world are horrified to learn, that it is legal for humans to have sexual intercourse with animals here in Denmark. It appears however, as if the people of the world, think that all Danes are animal raping barbarians, and that we must all agree with it, otherwise it would have been made illegal.
This is NOT the case.
It is sickening, that this law is still missing. We are talking about having SEX with living beings without consent! An ethical work group that was created by the politicians has decided that sex with animals should be allowed as long as the animal is not injured or stressed. How would they know?
Luckily rape, torture and abuse of animals in Denmark is prohibited, but the line between ”use” and ”abuse” is dangerously thin. And really – if you are sick enough to have sex with an animal, you are also sick enough to injure it. This however is beside the point. We as superior beings should not and will not condone the sexual abuse of animals. It is sick and disgusting that our Government has not forbidden this “by law” centuries ago.
An investigation shows that veterinarians suspect, that 51% of the dogs they treat, who have injuries to their sexual parts, are caused by humans having sex with them. The majority of these animals are dogs. I am sure however, that also larger animals are often abused this way. They just don’t suffer the same damages, due to their size.
Speaking on behalf of the people of Denmark, I can say that we are appalled by this. Our neighbours Sweden and Norway have laws against sex with animals. Period. Unfortunately, there are sick people all over the world, and because it has now been forbidden in other countries, the twisted people from these countries travel to Denmark, where there are actual ”animal brothels”.
All animals should have the right to only interact sexually with their own kind. Everything else in unnatural and wrong. People try to defend it, and try to explain that animals enjoy sex. NO – animals mate because it is in their instinct to reproduce. Not because they like to have sex. If they did, you could never visit a dog park without dogs jumping each other all the time.
But for now, the sexual use of animals in Denmark is allowed, and we need everybody’s voice to try and change this. Denmark can be somewhat stubborn about some changes, so help us make way for better welfare for all animals all over the world.
In the words of Neil Armstrong” This is one small step for man, but a giant leap for mankind”. Help us ban abuse, torture and sexual assault all over the world, starting in our own back yard.
Please sign these two petitions.
One is in Danish – but it is easily signed and there is an English translation. It is the 7th most signed petition in Denmark. So as you can imagine, there are a lot of us who want to change this. We need your signatures too though.
First name, last name, city, country and email address.
An English version can be found here:
We are also putting together a demonstration in front of our Parliament. This will take place on the 4th of May 2014. The time has not yet been published, as we are still setting up everything.
We have previously tried to make our voices heard. Here is a clip from a demonstration from 2012. This is in Danish – but you can still get the idea that it is a protest against sexwith animals.
Please help us help the animals – Natanya.
The population of Denmark – PLEASE Sign The Important Petition Below: