I Shall Be Their Voice
It is easy to become over-whelmed by the enormity of human cruelty to animals. Some days I feel utter contempt for my fellow human beings and other days I vacillate between pity and blinding rage at our absolute ignorance and indifference towards our fellow sentient beings.
Neutrality is never an option. Everyone can do something and to tell ourselves otherwise is to abdicate our responsibility to life. We all have a duty to try to make things better for those with whom we come in contact – man or beast. But on those heavy days when it all seems to be too much to bear – and we think that one more story of pain and brutality will shatter our hearts – along comes a gift from our friend Mark Stewart – reminding us that we all have a voice and we need to use it. Thank you Mark!
Mark Stewart
I Shall Be Their Voice
For the dogs boiled alive in Korea
For the dolphins eviscerated in Japan
For the whales hunted by the Norwegians
For the bulls stabbed to death in Spain
For the donkeys worked to death in Nepal
For the foxes and the badgers torn apart in England
For the elephants maimed and shackled in India
For the bears and the bison and the wolves shot in America
For the seal calves clubbed to death in Canada and Iceland
For the rabbits skinned alive in China
For the kittens and puppies starving in Serbia
For all the animals in labs, in zoos, in factory farms and in circuses
For every animal on the Earth that has to endure the cruel silence of human indifference
I shall be their voice
Mark Stewart
April 2014