Short Stories From 10 Years Ago – August 16, 2004
High Heels
Short Stories From 10 Years Ago – August 16, 2004 – When I think of high heeled shoes, what comes immediately to mind is the term C.F.M. shoes. For those of you, not familiar with this particular acronym – I’ll leave it to you to take a stroll on the wild side to broaden your “shoe” horizons. As for me, I’m no longer as determined to wear said foot mangling shoes as I used to be.
I recall being a bride’s maid at a wedding when I was in my twenties. We – the bridesmaids – all wore long brown velvet gowns and high brown suede platform shoes. I was crippled by the end of the first hour. Somehow I hung on bravely throughout the reception line, the dinner and the dancing – a silly grin plastered on my face – intent on ignoring the agonizing pain pulsing through my cramped feet. Such was the demand of fashion and I was foolish enough to follow its dictates. I was young and dizzy then, now I’m less so.
I do know that the male of our species like high-heeled shoes, so I’m amazed that more men aren’t donning stilettos. Oh right – they don’t actually want to wear them – they just like the way they look on women. Now I must confess that a well shaped calf and a nicely turned ankle is a very attractive feminine feature – enhanced enormously by a high heeled pump.
There was a time when I was prepared to pay the price for such attractiveness. I once worked on a retail floor and stood in heels for six to eight hours a day. By six o’clock I could hardly feel my feet, but that didn’t stop me from doing the same thing the next day. Anything to play the game – look the part and fit in with the prevailing trends of the time.
Fortunately when we know better, we do better. I still enjoy dressing up from time to time and putting on a three or four inch heel, either with a classy business suit or a chic dress. It’s a great feeling. However gone are the days when I’ll endure hours of such foolishness. Been there – done that – have the shoe!
I still see young girls wearing impossibly short skirts and absurdly high heels, tottering around after their boyfriends – tittering at all their good lines and pretending they aren’t in agony. I think it’s a phase that most girls and women pass through. Fortunately when we recognize the folly of our ways – the remedy is swift and satisfying – take them off!
There are dozens of shoe styles that are attractive, up-to-the-minute by fashion standards, smart, sexy and easy on the eyes and the feet. Open-toed summer sandals are great (a good pedicure is cheaper and more fun than a visit to the podiatrist), lower heels can still show off a nicely shaped leg, sling-backs, flats, sneakers, boots, flip-flops, slip-ons and shoes of all types made from leather, plastic, rubber, vinyl, canvas and woven fabrics.
It’s fun to shop for shoes. They don’t need to cost a fortune – although they certainly can – just ask Carrie from Sex In The City. Shoes can change the look of your wardrobe, and believe it or not, your mood. However just in case it has slipped your mind, foot binding which literally crippled women, was outlawed in China. Here in North America women still continue to “totter and smile” until accumulated wisdom supercedes their vanity.
P.S. – in the 10 years since I wrote this – women continue to wear shoes that are now “impossibly ridiculous” – and to pretend that they are cool. Another silly form of personal capitulation. Believe me – if these shoes were comfortable – men would be wearing them! Wake up ladies – the designers are mostly men – telling you what to do! You have bought into the “manipulation”. This is not about “you” – it’s about selling sex for profit – and BTW – what’s with standing around deliberately pigeon-toed?