Short Stories From 10 Years Ago – February 2, 2004
Nocturne – Tempo – Adagio
Short Stories From 10 Years Ago – February 2, 2004 – I frequently listen to a classical radio station 96.3 FM – both in my car and at home. It has a wonderful blend of music, news and other programming.
I find it easy to listen to and soothing as background music when I’m working. I quite like the announcers and look forward to clicking it on in my office when I sit down in the morning. It has contests where you can win a trip for two to Paris or dinner at a good restaurant, and lots of information about upcoming events in Toronto. The commercials aren’t over-whelming and all in all it’s just an outstanding station.
There is an evening program I like called ‘Nocturne – Tempo – Adagio hosted by Arlene Meadows. I have never seen her picture so have no idea what she looks like or how old she is, but she has a great radio voice and I always think of her as the type of woman who should be in a Jimmy Stewart movie. One day I was sitting listening to the radio and a commercial came on for her program.
After that, I couldn’t get the name out of my head and kept repeating it all afternoon. It must have been a slow day! Nocturne, Tempo, Adagio. First I said it with an exaggerated English accent then with an Italian one. I found myself looking forward to hearing about the program. It struck me as odd because I really know zippety-do-da about classical music in the grand scheme. However the real point for me isn’t the music (with apologies to Arlene) it’s the name of the program.
I’ve now decided that at some point in my life I must have three dogs, cats, goldfish, parrots or children named Nocturne, Tempo and Adagio. Okay – the children are out – remember – I’ve gone through menopause. Three dogs seems excessive for a city home – so it comes down to cats, parrots or goldfish. I don’t think Ziggy – my grumpy cat – would appreciate the addition of three more puddies in my home – so that leaves goldfish and parrots.
Hummmm – this may be problematic. Cats really seem to be the most logical. Has anyone seen Nocturne? The last time I saw him, Tempo was on the third floor and that rascal Adagio has just upset the flower vase on the dining room table.
I have no rational reason for being intrigued by these names. Children saddled with these monikers would never speak to their parents once they knew they’d been named after a radio program, so dogs and cats remain the likely recipients. These are names you’d want to call out in the park or at the back door – so fish and fowl are unlikely. Cats do seem to be the perfect trio.
I naturally see Nocturne as a sleek black cat, Tempo is a smaller, gentle cat – quite possibly white. Adagio is definitely the scamp of the three – undoubtedly a striped tabby. He is smart, sassy and impossible to scold.
He’s also the instigator who drives the others in their endless shenanigans. So if the quotient of furry friends isn’t topped up at your house, how about offering a home to Nocturne, Tempo and Adagio!
I Know You Can Find Stray Puddies Just Like These 3 At Your Local Rescue Shelter!