Short Stories From 10 Years Ago – June 22, 2004
Progress Report
Short Stories From 10 Years Ago – June 22, 2004 – Perhaps I’m destined to have chubby thighs for the rest of my life. My days of sleek gams and a flat stomach appear to be over. It’s not that I wouldn’t like to have a toned body again – I just don’t seem to have the necessary discipline to make it happen.
Not that it’s an excuse, but Howard is still kaput. I could go for a walk outside, but by the time I finish all the things on my to do list, I’ve run out of energy and hours in the day. Charts and schedules don’t seem to be helping me at all. I’m scuppered. I surrender – I do not have an exercise plan.
The reality is simple – somewhere along the way I made a decision that exercise is no longer a priority in my life. This is a strange conundrum because I know how good I feel when I take the time to work out and move my body.
So all the excuses in the world, and all the planning and making schedules to follow will have no effect, until I make a different choice about exercise and decide that including it in my life is a priority. Perhaps if I was fifty pounds overweight I might be frustrated enough to do something about an exercise program.
But I’m not, and I look just fine when I’m dressed up and ready to go out socially or to meet clients. I’m tall and I carry my weight well – I scrub up decently for social commitments and can still wear a short skirt with aplomb.
I know thousands of people deal with the issue of exercise, or the lack thereof and with varying degrees of success. I think I need to change my focus from a concern for “appearance” to one of health, and re-visit my life priorities and my goals for this year. I’m doing so well on all fronts – this is my last holdout. I
tell myself that I’m going to succeed with exercise and when I don’t – it’s back to the guilt mines for a few prime nuggets to carry around. Time to cease and desist – when I’m ready to make this commitment, I will do it. Until then, I need to lighten up and do the best I can!