Short Stories From 10 Years Ago – October 17, 2004
And Then There Were 12
Short Stories From 10 Years Ago – October 17, 2004 – It took me five hours today to finish the pesky job of removing the glue residue from all the ocean stones. Every time I finished cleaning a batch of stones I did a trial assembly of between eight to eighteen stones – creating an Inukshuk in the process.
As I went along, I was thinking of each of my friends, the colours they might appreciate and what their homes are like. I was also attempting to name each Innkshuk before I dis-assembled it and put it back into an LCBO bag for sake keeping. My creations aren’t going to be quite the same as those made in the Canadian north. Definitely similar, but the ocean stones aren’t quiet as large and chunky as northern river stones.
By five o’clock, twelve paper bags lined the kitchen table and my Inukshuk stones were ready to be spread out on a flat piece of cardboard to have the colour enhancer applied to the clean, dry surface. I’ve started the first one and am now at the half-hour drying stage for the colour enhancer. That gives me some time to think about names and an individual write up for each gift.
I’ve decided that each Innukshuk will have a duty to watch over some aspect of the life of its master or mistress. With this in mind, I thought about each of my family and friends and where they might need Inukshuk guidance and protection. Every Inukshuk is unique and has its own special spirit and identity. Sort of like my friends.
Names started to come to mind as I created each piece, as well as a general feeling for what I wanted to say in everyone’s card.. Joe travels constantly – all over the world for business meetings. I think his card will read something like this
My name is Spirit Of The Sky
I was created by Roe just for Joe.
“My lifelong duty is to protect Joe whenever he travels. May he always journey safely and return home well”.
I am Inukshuk 1 of 12 – Christmas 2004.
And so I am creating all 12 Inukshuks for my friends. This is such a delightful project to be working on and I’m looking forward to watching everyone as they open their gifts at my annual Christmas dinner. It has always been such a delightful evening at Logan Avenue and I hope it will be ever thus, as long as I am graced with good health and blessed with family and friends.
If you ever want to make someone feel special – take some time to exercise your creative muscle and make them a gift that comes from your heart. I have some things in my home that my father made for me. One is a beautiful pine shelf that houses my collection of Boda crystal animals and the other is a walnut hall tree that stands in my office.
I know how much love went into both of these pieces and I’m reminded of Charlie whenever I look at them. You’ll see what I mean when you take the time to make something special for someone you love.